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Tony Wolfe

Associate Executive Director

We value our partnerships with associations in strengthening churches across the Lone Star State. We want to lock arms in training, equipping, and encouraging the churches. Any of the following workshops can be scheduled in your association throughout the year.

This would be your event, but all costs would be covered by the SBTC ministry team leading the workshop. This will include (at no cost to your association or your churches) lunch for all participants, relevant resource materials, and all the workshop leader’s expenses. You just promote it with your churches then show up to host the workshop and build relationships with your church leaders who attend.

associational training

workshops 2022

collegiate & young adult



team culture


Evangelizing without Memorizing

Generally if someone wants to learn how to evangelize, they are taught to memorize a script or outline. However, some people find it difficult to memorize in general, and especially to keep straight what they are to say in the middle of a conversation. This training will help believers learn how to share the gospel with a new technique–no memorizing required! Every participant will receive a free copy of Dr. Queen’s book Mobilize to Evangelize, a practical guide for evangelism evaluation and implementation in your congregation.

Matt Queen

Matt Queen serves as associate dean, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”), and professor of evangelism. Queen’s research and writing focus primarily on the gospel message, personal evangelism, and congregational evangelism.

Queen regularly leads evangelism workshops and preaches in churches across the country. He and his family are members of Lane Prairie Baptist Church in Joshua, Texas.

Starting a College and Young Adult Ministry

Many would consider college students and young adults the missing generation in local churches. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Mitch leads this workshop through a principle-based approach for establishing a college or young adult ministry (18-23 yr olds) in your church that will last.

Mitch Tidwell

Mitch has worked for the SBTC since 2011 serving in collegiate mobilization, disciple-making and now leads our collegiate team. He believes that the most strategic generation is the next generation.

Mitch received an undergraduate degree in business from Liberty University and his graduate degree in theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He lives in Fort Worth,TX with his wife, Olivia, and son, William.

Guiding Effective Corporate Prayer

This workshop is designed to assist pastors in developing the corporate prayer life in the local church. Participants will explore biblical foundations, historical roots, and practical practices of local church corporate prayer. Each participant will be provided with a PDF of The Prayer Meeting First Aid Kit: A Sourcebook for Guiding Corporate Prayer by Keeney Dickenson.

Keeney Dickenson

Keeney is in his fourth decade of pastoral experience. He has served churches in New Mexico, Missouri and Texas. He has served as senior pastor of First Baptist Church Crockett since 2003. He received his doctor of ministry degree in biblical spirituality from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2017. Keeney is the founder and director of Prayeridigm Publishing and the author of seven books. He is married to his best friend and prayer partner, D’Ann.

Building a Healthy Team Culture

Does your ministry team feel like it is competing against its own team members? Do your ministry leaders feel like disconnected parts who simply meet together to solve problems, discuss challenges and vie for financial and human resources to help them fulfill their ministry? Or do they sense they are a part of a ministry “team”, who are working together for a common goal, who know, love, trust and encourage one another? This seminar will show you how to break down silos and build a healthy team culture. Attendees will receive a free copy of Lance Witt’s High Impact Teams.

Jeff Lynn

Jeff Lynn serves as the Senior Strategist for Church Health and Leadership, resourcing and networking church leaders across the state. He has been in ministry for over 32 years, serving in itinerant Christian music ministry, as a Worship Pastor, and as a Senior Pastor for 25 years. He recently served as pastor of Yorktown Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, TX for twelve years. Jeff has been married to Renee since August 1988, and they have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandson. Jeff’s replenishment therapy is golf.

A Deacon On Purpose Deacon Training

Gather the deacons from various churches in your association for this one-day training that is designed to help them think biblically and contextually about their important role in the church. In 3.5 hours, Tony Wolfe will teach through his A Deacon On Purpose, leading discussion and Q/A. There will be laughter, prayer, collaboration, and encouragement – guaranteed. The SBTC will provide lunch for all in attendance, and everyone will walk away with a free copy of Wolfe’s A Deacon On Purpose.

Tony Wolfe

Tony joined the SBTC staff May 1, 2017. Before working with the state convention, Tony served Southern Baptist churches in Texas and Louisiana for 18 years in the areas of Worship, Education, Christian Counseling, and the Pastorate. He holds degrees from Lamar University, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Tony has authored several books including “Going Social,” “Seven Things You Must Do to Be an Effective Small Group Leader,” “Mile Markers; Stages of Growth Along the Journey Toward Spiritual Maturity,” “Be Encouraged; For Pastors and Wives,” “A Deacon On Purpose,” and more. He is a regular contributor to Lifeway’s Deacon Magazine and several denominational media outlets.