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2020 Cooperative Program Resources

It’s a daunting task to reach the world with the gospel, yet that is what we are called to do (Matt. 28.19-20). Individually, it’s overwhelming; but together, the possibilities are endless. When you give to the Lord, you join millions of other Southern Baptists in fulfilling the Great Commission of taking the good news of Jesus to a world in need of a Savior. These resources a made available to you to help your church know how they are impacting the world with the gospel.


Church Planting, church revitalization, Cooperative Program, Missions

2020 Cooperative Program Resources

It’s a daunting task to reach the world with the gospel, yet that is what we are called to do (Matt. 28.19-20). Individually, it’s overwhelming; but together, the possibilities are endless. When you give to the Lord, you join millions of other Southern Baptists in fulfilling the Great Commission of taking the good news of Jesus to a world in need of a Savior. These resources a made available to you to help your church know how they are impacting the world with the gospel.


Church Planting, church revitalization, Cooperative Program, Missions